
KEYWEST reach Number 01 with ‘All My Mistakes’

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KEYWEST reach Number 01 with ‘All My Mistakes’, passing by Ed Sheeran and James Bay, leaving the two to fill the Number 02 and Number 03 slot on the iTunes Charts.

The All My Mistake EP was released on April 09th, 2015 and has in its short week on the market taken the musical charts by storm, satisfying and exceeding their fans’ expectations and keeping the critics schtum – to the relief and appreciation of Andy, Glover, Harry, Sam and James!

The five piece Dublin Indie Rock/Pop Group have been regulars on Grafton Street – Dublin’s most popular shopping street – and have long become the sound of the city, giving the public a chance to dance and shop, rather than to shop until you drop.
Now with their busy summer festival schedule imminently approaching, you will get a lot more opportunities to see the band perform LIVE all over Ireland and also abroad.. We shall keep you in the loop on their movements!

If you have yet to get your own copy of Keywest’s latest EP ALL MY MISTAKES, get it here:

…with Andy Kavanagh’s distinctive vocals sure to give your ears a treat!

For bookings please do get in touch with Mark Downing on [email protected]

For all info, you know to head over to Facebook:
AMA Music Agency:

Keywest number1 itunes2015


Dearly Beloved’s Rob Higgins’ Mini Documentary: Phoebe Street


Rob Higgins’ Brain Child: ‘Phoebe St.’ (‘Make Love’ mini-doc)

Rob Higgins could be described as a bit of a musically creative whirlwind, lending his talent as a skilled bassist to numerous bands, touring with Juliette Lewis and My Chemical Romance (to name a few) and then he went about to “accidentally” form his very own Alternative/Rock project, the effervescent Dearly Beloved.

Touring extensively with various bands, producing records, recording in the desert, regenerating a bit of himself by himself and letting his mind wander towards new musical outlets and creations, all has guided him towards his own studio in Toronto’s Phoebe Street and a lovely, introspective documentary: ‘Phoebe Street’ (‘Make Love’ Mini Doc) -which focuses on local independent artists “who make a living doing what they love.”

Sarah Murphy wrote up this great article explaining all – do take a look:



Dearly Beloved: Olympics Of No Regard

Rob Higgins on Twitter:

Dearly Beloved on Facebook:


Paddy Casey Shows 2015

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Paddy Casey Irish Gig List 2015

The talented Singer/Songwriter, who adds depth and credibility to his songs – creating Hit Singles time and time again, may likely be the busiest artist Ireland has to offer, touring the emerald Island continuously year in / year out.

Paddy Casey is one of Ireland’s most loved Musicians not only because of his ability to pen “relatable” songs, but also because he’s approachable and gladly stops for a chat with a fan, as well as that he is known for his big heart, donating his time and talent to numerous charity events throughout the years..

2015 has seen Paddy touring Ireland extensively and he is not about to stop – so catch him live on any of the dates below.

Tickets can be attained for each show at all good outlets and to keep updated on new dates added to his schedule, please do check in on his website here:

For bookings contact Mark Downing via +353-1-201-3660 !

Paddy Casey Gig List 2015


The 4 Of Us COMPETITION – Tickets & Backstage Passes for Vicar Street

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The 4 Of Us COMPETITION – Tickets & Backstage Passes to be won!!

The 4 Of Us will be playing Vicar Street on April 25th, 2015 and as an early Easter Treat decided to give their fans a chance of winning FIVE pairs of tickets to the show AND Backstage ‘after-show party’ passes. Undoubtedly a prize their fans would do anything for in order to hold these coveted Backstage Passes in their very own hands..

But, all you have to do is pop over to The 4 Of Us’ Facebook Page -Share and Like their ‘Competition Post’ and you will automatically be in the running of winning.

The lucky winners will be announced on Wednesday, April 01st at 6pm. So be quick!

The gig will feature the original as well as the current line up and sure will be one of those shows, one will fondly look back at for a very long time to come.

Tickets: / – Aiken Promotions

For all the Fans up north, the lads will be at the BELFAST Lyric Theatre on Sunday 26th April 2015 !!


The 4 Of Us with the Ulster Orchestra:


Keywest release new single “All My Mistakes” -EP in hot pursuit


Keywest are on the verge of releasing their latest EP !

Brilliant Irish Indie Band KEYWEST have been hard at work since the start of 2015, with gigs all over Ireland, as well as in the UAE over the Saint Patrick’s Day Celebrations and now it is almost time for a new EP.
Their stunning latest single “All My Mistakes” has been unleashed to the public earlier this month and will be able for download in April, which perfectly coincides with their EP release on April 09th..

Do check in with us for more information on the band’s releases and news and  if you should be interested in booking the band for your event, please do get in contact via our contact form ..


Keywest EP


Have you heard “All My Mistakes” on the various Radio Stations across Ireland, yet? What do you think?


Keep updated with everything Keywest via their Facebook Page:


Saint Patrick’s Day Celebration 2015 with The 4 Of Us


A very special Saint Patrick’s Day Treat in the form of a show with The 4 Of US on BBC2.


After enjoying Ireland’s magnificent Saint Patrick’s Day Parade all over the country and perhaps a drink or two with your fellow celebrators, could there be any better way than to end the day with a sublime performance by The 4 Of US ?

This very special Paddy’s Day treat will be broadcast on:

Tues 17th March 2015
BBC 2 TV 9pm
BBC Radio Ulster 8- 10pm

During the transmission of the show you are also able to LIVE Tweet and converse via Twitter with @BBCNIreland just add the Hashtag #BBCMusicNI

And finally – for web exclusive behind the scenes content go to:

!!! Enjoy The Show !!!

St Pats Concert 2015


Kavanagh’s Gig List 2015 – Declan O’Rourke, Paddy Casey + more


The brilliant Kavanagh’s Bar and Venue are hosting an array of our brilliant talented Irish Artists in March and April 2015

After letting the undeniably exciting The 4 Of Us take to their stage last Saturday, February 21st – Kavanagh’s Bar in Portlaoise are keeping the momentum going by inviting some of Ireland’s most celebrated artists to play their venue over the next couple of months.


Take a look at who is playing:

Declan O’Rourke will kick of the March Schedule on March 07th, 2015

Following Declan will be the wonderful Brian Kennedy on March, 27th

with Paddy Casey taking to the stage on April 18th..

…and HamsandwicH will conclude the Spring-Gig-Run on April 24th, 2015


Kavanaghs AMA Artist Gigs


Please do check Kavanagh’s Bar’s Facebook  page for updates and information on the various gigs: and enjoy the shows !!



The Jester Bar presents PADDY CASEY – April, 2015


The Jester Bar / Westport presents PADDY CASEY – 24th April 2015

Paddy Casey‘s tour of this year is in full swing and will see the popular and very talented Irish Singer Songwriter visit most of Ireland’s counties, with a stop over in DUBAI this march no less.

Paddy would not conclude a tour though without a visit to Mayo and so the JESTER BAR in Westport, Co Mayo offered their premise with delight to invite the celebrated musician to showcase his songs of his latest release: SONGBOOK and more…


Paddy Songbook


A lovely touch of the Jester Bar is that they invited four local, up and coming musicians to support Paddy Casey on the night. Please do check their Facebook for more information on the event and ticketing here:


paddy casey poster 1

For everything PADDY – click on this very link: